Mens Condition and Treatment
Erectile Dysfunction
Prostate Check Up
Prostate Cancer
Low Testosterone
Enlarged Prostate Treatment
Peyronie’s Disease

Less Discomfort
10 Times Fewer Complications
No Stitches or Sutures Needed
Quicker Recovery

Answers to Common Questions
How will vasectomy affect me?
Vasectomy is NOT castration. Vasectomy only interrupts the tubes that carry sperm from the testes to where they are added to your semen. Your· penis and testes arc not altered. All hormonal and sexual functions arc completely unaffected, so your voice, body hair, and interest in sex remain the same. Your body still produces semen, and erections and ejaculations occur normally. The only difference is that your semen will no longer contain sperm. As before, the body naturally absorbs unused sperm.
Can I discontinue other birth control methods right away? No! Sperm can remain in the vas deferens above the operative site for weeks or even months after vasectomy. You will not be considered sterile until two pos-tsurgical semen tests have shown that no sperm remain. Until then, you must continue to use other birth control to prevent pregnancy.
Is vasectomy painful? No. You may feel mild discomfort when the local anesthetic is given. After it takes effect, you should feel no pain, though some men feel a slight ' tugging' sensation as the vasa are manipulated. After surgery you may be a little sore for a few days. Generally, two to three days rest is recovery enough before men return to work and most normal, non-strenuous physical activity. Sex can usually be resumed 7 days after the procedure.

Do Vasectomy pose long-term health risks?
Many studies have looked at the longterm health effects of vasectomy. The evidence suggests that no significant risks exist. Men who have a vasectomy arc no more likely than other men to develop cancer, heart disease, or other health problems.
In 1993, a panel assembled by the National Institutes of Health, the Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception, and the National Cancer Institute reaffirmed that conclusion. The panel advised that physicians continue to offer vasectomy and that all men, vasectomized or not, receive the same regular screening for prostate cancer and other illnesses.
Can vasectomy be reversed?
In many cases, it can be. However, it's expensive and docs not guarantee returned fertility. Vasectomy should therefore be considered a permanent procedure. If you're thinking about reversal now, perhaps you should take more time to decide whether vasectomy is right for you.
Before Surgery
1. If you have not already done so, sign the elective surgery informed consent form.
2. Do not consume any aspirin or NSAID's for 10 days prior to surgery without prior medical approval. Taking aspirin or NSAID's increases the risk of bleeding.
3. The day before, trim or clip away the hair from the front of the scrotum below the penis.
4. To reduce the risk of infection, thoroughly bathe the scrotum and groin the day before and the morning of the surgery.
5. Several hours before surgery, take any preoperative medications as directed.
6. Bring with you a clean athletic supporter.